THE HIGH PRIESTESS PART TWO OF THE HUMAN DRAMA - FAITH STONE Click HERE to pre-order the Kindle version. The paperback will be available the day of. NEW RELEASES DEC. 5th, 2024 - THE DARK LADY KINDLE VERSION CLICK HERE PAPERBACK CLICK HERE HARDCOVER CLICK HERE THE YOUTH KINDLE VERSION CLICK HERE PAPERBACK CLICK HERE HARDCOVER CLICK HERE THE LOVER KINDLE VERSION CLICK HERE PAPERBACK CLICK HERE HARDCOVER CLICK HERE OTHER NEW RELEASES ON THE SUMMER SOLSTICE JUNE 20th ~ THE HUMAN DRAMA - Part One: The Magician Roger Osman Painter CLICK HERE TO GET THE KINDLE VERSION CLICK HERE TO GET THE PAPERBACK RELEASED ON THE SPRING EQUINOX MARCH 19TH: THE HUMAN DRAMA - Part Zero: The Fool Frank Francine Fontaine Click HERE for the Kindle. Click HERE for the Paperback. DECEMBER 5TH, 2023 - ANONYMOUS AGNOSTIC ANTICHRISTS CLICK HERE FOR THE PAPERBACK AND HARDCOVER VERSIONS CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION PREVIOUSLY RELEASED BOOKS: 11/11/22 ~ FAUST CLICK HERE FOR THE HARDCOVER AND PAPERBACK EDITIONS CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE 10/11/22 ~ THE DIVINE CHAOS CLICK HERE FOR THE HARDCOVER AND PAPERBACK EDITIONS CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION 9/11/22 ~ PARZIVAL CLICK HERE FOR THE HARDCOVER AND PAPERBACK EDITIONS CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION 8/19/22 ~ RED: BOOK THREE OF THE STORY OF US ALL TRILOGY CLICK HERE FOR THE LARGE FORMAT WITH FULL COLOR INTERIOR PAINTINGS BY ERIC FIAZI, IN HARDCOVER AND PAPERBACK EDITIONS. CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION RELEASED IN 2021 ~ WHITE: BOOK TWO OF THE STORY OF US ALL TRILOGY CLICK HERE FOR THE LARGE FORMAT WITH FULL COLOR INTERIOR PAINTINGS BY ERIC FIAZI, IN HARDCOVER OR PAPERBACK EDITIONS. CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION AND THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TRILOGY CAME OUT IN 2018 ~ BLACK: BOOK ONE OF THE STORY OF US ALL TRILOGY CLICK HERE FOR THE LARGE FORMAT WITH FULL COLOR INTERIOR PAINTINGS BY ERIC FIAZI, IN HARDCOVER OR PAPERBACK EDITIONS. CLICK HERE FOR THE KINDLE VERSION The transformation implied here is a change in consciousness, in the way of seeing the world, in seeing yourself, in changing who you are and by doing thus, changing the world. The process of change is unconventional but not without respect to the past, and also open to everyone. Incorporating storytelling, music, philosophy, psychology, magick, and more Love Chaos takes a holistic approach to transformation. To transform ourselves into works of art: A Wealth to Explore, Hard to Define. This website represents the entire body of work by Derek Hunter. It includes his works of fiction (that defy genre categorization); Hunter's agnostic, non-dogmatic way of life Love Chaos; his music albums; Hunter's father John Wisdom Dancer's play Waiting For Amanda; and interviews Hunter has been a part of over the years. All paintings are by the late and great abstract expressionist artist Eric Fiazi. Derek Hunter is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, and the founder of Love Chaos, a non-dogmatic, agnostic philosophy and way of life. Hunter created Love Chaos in 2014 with the publication of the first book, Love Chaos. It was conceived as a means for Hunter to help himself in a dark time in his life, and also to help others. Love Chaos grew and developed as he grew and developed, resulting in the publication of the second book to Love Chaos, Love Chaos in Theory and Practice in 2019, then culminating in 2020's The End of the World. Hunter recently completed a decades long project, The Story of Us All Trilogy, with Book One: Black (2018), Book Two: White (2021), and Book Three: Red (2022). The three tales found within the trilogy, which were told episodically from book to book, have also been released as separate novels: Parzival, The Divine Chaos, and Faust. To find out more, go to each book's page on this website and the links to buy them are above. The works of fiction that Hunter has written and published defy standard genre categorization. They are not experimental since the main focus of the books are to tell a story, and yet they seek to entertain in unconventional ways, especially when compared with modern fiction writing. Novels, short story collections, and trilogies, they explore the depths of human psychology and relationships while also penetrating the bizarre and unsettling nature to existence. The tragic, absurd, and dramatic is part of the characters' journeys but also just as much is their joy, humor, and triumphs. All aspects to Hunter's work is inter-connected to one another, through his philosophy of Love Chaos. Each separate part though - a book, an album, Love Chaos itself - can be appreciated and enjoyed separately. At the top of this site you will see - Intro (this page) - Fiction 2023-Present - Fiction 2002-2022 - Love Chaos (for the philosophy and way of life, Love Chaos) - Music (for the music albums) - JWD (devoted to Hunter's father - who passed away in 2005 - John Wisdom Dancer, which focuses on Dancer's three act play, Waiting for Amanda) - Interviews (for a number of interviews of Derek Hunter over the years on various podcasts). All paintings found on this website are by the Abstract Expressionist artist, Eric Fiazi. His website is: A Memorial for Eric Fiazi was written as the foreword to Faust, as the Great Artist and Teacher left us on October 16th, 2022. He will be missed. Below are links to places on-line where one can find Hunter's work and interests: Amazon Author Page - click HERE Facebook Group (public), Love Chaos - click HERE Instagram - click HERE Substack - click HERE TikTok - click HERE Facebook Page (Love Chaos) - click HERE Facebook Page (DH.Fiction.Music) - click HERE Goodreads - click HERE Bandcamp - click HERE Reverbnation - click HERE Soundcloud - click HERE Below is a video created by Brian Farnham based on audio tracks by Derek Hunter from his spoken word electronic music album, Love and Death. Love and Death has Hunter reading passages from 4 of his works of fiction: 1) Black: Book One of The Story of Us All Trilogy, 2) E.I.E., 3) Black Light, White Dark, and 4) Life. Click HERE to go to the Love and Death YouTube playlist and to find out more. |